Justin Gerard's Monster of the Month Brush Sets: YEAR ONE

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Justin Gerard's Monster of the Month Brush Sets: YEAR ONE


Justin Gerard’s Monster-of-the-Month Brush Sets have been developed to give illustrators digital tools that simulate the look and feel of traditional painting and drawing. Each Monster of the Month brush set is built out of the core brushes used each month to paint, texture, and detail each monster. Every set is unique and contains completely new brushes which help tackle specific natural textures and surfaces. I designed these brushes by sampling my own scans of traditional paint strokes, splatters, sprays, pencil strokes, and maybe some spilled coffee. 

This set comes with an ADOBE PHOTOSHOP .abr file with over 100 unique brushes, including Blenders and Mixer Brushes. 

Each brush contains built-in characteristics such as opacity, flow, special modes and textural effects that make it handle in unique ways. Please see the Brush Guide in the sample images above for some helpful tips on how to use the brushes to their fullest potential. 

I hope you enjoy working with them!  

If you like these brushes, please check out my other sets! To learn more about the Monster of the Month series, please check out my PATREON where I am offering monthly Photoshop brush sets, high-res wallpapers, guides and tutorials with each new monster!

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